Organic baobab oil

Organic baobab oil
Organic baobab oil
Organic baobab oil

Organic baobab oil

Produced by KaZa Natural Oils in Zimbabwe, this baobab oil is organic and FairWild certified. Baobab fruit are sustainably collected from the wild in southeastern Zimbabwe, where the mainland African baobab naturally thrives.


R 164.00



The mainland African baobab (Adansonia digitata) can live for thousands of years. Oil made from baobab seeds has traditionally been used at a household level, both for cooking and as an emollient for skin and hair. High in essential fatty acids, the oil pressed from baobab seeds nourishes and moisturises: it is thought to encourage cell growth and improve skin tone and elasticity. It has a bright golden colour and a subtle nutty smell.

After harvesting, baobab fruit are aggregated at collection points in Chipinge, Chimanimani and Buhera Districts where they are purchased by KaZa. The fruit powder is separated from the seed at KaZa's processing facility in Harare: fruit powder, high in vitamin C, is processed and sold as an ingredient for use in food and beverage manufacturing as well as other industries, while the seeds are cold-pressed into oil.

Country of origin:



KaZa Natural Oils 

Harvesting season:

May - July 

Production method:

Wild harvested

How it’s produced

KaZa Natural Oils is an established producer of indigenous carrier oils with a strong track record of environmental and social responsibility.  

Wild harvest

Harvesters collect wild baobab fruit for KaZa throughout southeastern Zimbabwe, waiting for the fruit to ripen and fall to the ground for collection without harm to the trees. KaZa's access permits for baobab fruit are issued by the Forestry Commission, the Rural District Council and traditional leaders, stakeholders with whom KaZa works closely to manage and monitor harvesting and processing.

KaZa evaluates the baobab population for risk of overharvesting, using an ecological management plan to ensure commercialisation does not negatively impact the baobabs or their environment and providing training around harvesting best practices. Each batch of baobab oil is fully traceable, certified FairWild and organic.

Social impact

Baobab harvesters (predominantly women) are organised into collectives that negotiate pricing and the terms of their long-term contracts with KaZa. The production of baobab oil is considered a Biotrade activity: KaZa has established informed consent with the local authority in the harvesting community and mutually negotiated terms with harvester groups. The Rural District Council is the key stakeholder in the management and monitoring of baobab commercialisation, in compliance with Access and Benefit Sharing regulation.